BEGUTECOP II – Gynecological pathology and clinical aspects

BEGUTECOP II – Gynecological pathology and clinical aspects

DATE: Od 15. do 17. aprila 2010. godine
VENUE: Turistička organizacija Srbije,
AdresS: Čika Ljubina 8, 11 000 Beograd


Dear friends and colleagues,


It is a great pleasure for me to inform you that our second BEGUTECOP II Course entitled »Gynecological pathology and clinical aspects« in organization of Serbian Association for Pathology, Belgrade Medical School and under auspices of European Society of Pathology will be organized in Belgrade from 15th to 17th of April, this year at Tourist organization of Serbia (Čika Ljubina 8).




 Introduction letter begutecop II 68.81 Kb

 Pismo begutecop II 94.12 Kb

 Program begutecop II 136.82 Kb

 Registration form begutecop II 787.50 Kb

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